Peregrine 250 Fish Finder Screen Cleaning Kit

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$24.99 Canadian dollars excluding tax


The Peregrine 250 Fish Finder Screen Cleaning Kit has everything you need to clean your marine electronic screens in one easy and convenient kit. Whenever you go fishing, you are going to get hard water spots on you screens, which make them difficult to read – especially in sunny conditions. Most marine electronic screens are also easy to scratch and damage if you don’t use the proper cleaners, soaps, and towels – leaving you with screens that are always difficult to see through. Don’t take any chances – the Peregrine 250 Fish Finder Screen Cleaning Kit has everything you need – along with easy to follow instructions.

Includes :

  • Complete Instructions
  • Peregrine 250 Water Dog Hard Water Spot Eliminator
  • Peregrine 250 Soap
  • Peregrine 250 Eagle Eye High Tech Formula Screen Cleaner
  • 2 Micro Fiber Cloths

Information complémentaire

Poids 1 livres
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 6 pouce