Peregrine 250 Concentrated Boat Wax & Cleaner

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$29.99 Canadian dollars excluding tax


Peregrine 250 Concentrated Boat Wax & Cleaner is formulated to be mixed with distilled water. To mix the Peregrine 250 Concentrated Boat Wax & Cleaner, take 1 gallon of distilled water and pour 10oz of it into a separate container (distilled water must be used to ensure quality results). Once removed, pour the entire 8oz bottle of Peregrine 250 Concentrated Boat Wax & Cleaner into the gallon of distilled water. After the concentrate is added, pour approximately 2oz of the removed water back in the container and give it a light shake.

Information complémentaire

Poids 1 livres
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 4 pouce